Building a New World Through Natural & Healthy Materials
ROUND 3 WORK PARTY DATES: September 28-29 (Sat/Sun) 9-1:30pm
The earthbag foundation is complete and most of the strawbale wall is in place! Our main task this coming weekend will be plastering the outside of the structure with light straw clay (mix of clay, straw & water). If we have a big enough crew, we may work inside the structure as well. If the materials arrive in time, Logan will also be prepping and installing the roof. It's all coming together so smoothly. Help us keep the momentum up by offering your hands and heart for a few hours of fun, collaborative work, followed by a hearty, yummy meal!
Shoveling gravel into the space. Eventually there will be an earthen floor in place. |
Laughing Heart is building our first classroom! During the months of September and October we will be constructing a beautiful, unique natural building. This circular strawbale building will hold a space for workshops, group yoga and dance, ceremony and more. It’s a community gathering and workshop space.
If you want to learn how to build using environmentally conscious techniques or just love Laughing Heart and have some energy to lend a hand, please join us! We will have many more work days upcoming at each phase along the way!
PLEASE RSVP so we know how big a meal to make. RSVP & questions to Logan:
LaughingHeartLogan (at) gmail (dot) com or 530-559-4854
PLEASE BRING a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, work gloves and your shining heart--let's put lots of good energy and prayers into this space for it to bring much joy, connection, healing and love to our community and the world!
The joyful crew after at the end of the work weekend |